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UML class diagram - UML program

1. UML program
When WhiteStarUML starts up (before this screen appears) you can choose which “approach” you want to use. The default approach is suitable for a StarUML approach to UML. The WhiteStarUML home screen consists of a menu bar, a button bar, a toolbox, a drawing board and some specific tabs on the right side (Diagram Explorer, Properties). In the toolbox you will find 2 lists: Annotation and Class.

2. File menu
In the File menu you will find the entry “New Project”. You can save the project “Save” or “Save As…” and you can export the created diagram (“Export Diagram…”) in an image format e.g. *.jpg

3. Toolbox
In the toolbox you will find the “Class” list. Through this list you can place a class frame, create an enumeration, indicate an “association” between 2 classes, set a “generalization” between 2 classes or add an object frame.

4. Drawing Window
You can compose diagrams in the drawing window. The first tab is the analysis model and the second tab is the design model.

5. Diagram explorer
In WhiteStarUML you can create multiple diagrams that are all part of the UML (Unified Modeling Language) language. In the “Diagram Explorer” you can double click on the folder of the specific diagrams.