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MySQL workbench - Connection

1. Home screen
In the Home tab you can click on the button with the plus sign behind the title “MySQL Connections” to create a connection to the MySQL server. You can download a version of this program from this link:MySQL Workbench

2. Connection setup
In the input box “Connection Name:” you give a name to the connection. By default, a connection is made to the Hostname: (see the parameters tab). This “host” is called “localhost”. So you can use the name “localhost” as a name. If you click on the button “Test Connection” you can see if the connection to the MySQL server can be made.

3. Connection error
Oops! Could not connect yet. This means that the MySQL server is not yet running on your computer. A MySQL server can be started from a tool such as “UwAmp”, “XAMPP” or “WampServer”.

4. Connection success
When the MySQL server has started you will receive an appropriate message.