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phpMyAdmin - Create database

1. Connection
In the start screen of phpMyAdmin you have to fill in the login details for the MYSQL server: the username is 'root' by default and the password is 'root' by default or you can leave it blank.
These login details are not secure and can only be used in a test environment! Click the 'Start' button.
You can download the UwAmp tool via this link:UwAmp

2. New Database
Click on the 'Databases' tab, enter a database name, choose the collation (character set) and click on the 'Create' button. The database 'club' is created.

3. New table
Enter a name for the new table, indicate the number of columns (= fields) and click the 'Start' button.
The table 'activity' is created and you can start filling in the structure of the table.
You can add fields later if you don't know the number of fields beforehand.