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B4A-JSON - B4A app layouts

1. Main layout
In this tutorial we are going to use a default project. (File / New / Default). Project name: translations:
Note: the Conditional Symbols value of HU2_ACCEPTALL might be needed when requesting a page with the https protocol.
The generated designer file is called 'Layout'.
Let's start by changing this layout file:
The first B4XComboBox (cbx1) has a pale-blue color and will be filled with the categories.
The second B4XComboBox (cbx2) has a pale-green color and will be filled with the subcategories.
The CustomListView (clv1) has a white color and a pressed color red. It will be filled with the items.
You couldn't find these views? Add the XUI Views library in the Library Manager pane.
The B4XLoadingIndicator3 has a blue color and will be active when the app loads the data.
Notice that the anchors (the white dots) are set horizontally (cbx1 and cbx2) and also vertically (clv1).
Generate the members (Tools / Generate Members).
Save the file and go on to the next layout.

2. Item layout
Make a new file in the designer with the name: Item
This layout will be used in the CustomListView (clv1) to display the item details.
The item panel (pnlitem) contains a label (lbl1) to display the item name. The pnlitem has a white color and a border.
The note panel (pnlnote) contains a label (lbl2) to display the note. The pnlnote and the lbl2 have a pale-yellow color.
The panels have a left and right edge distance of 5dip. This will allow the pressed color (red) from the clv1 to be visible.
Generate the members and save the file.

3. RTCSSingle layout
For the display of the notes we will be using the code from Andrew (Digitwell solutions). Link:ResizingTextComponent. Thank you Andrew for sharing this code!
Go to the designer and make a new file and name it: RTCSSingle
In this layout there is only one view: a ResizingTextComponent.
This is a CustomView that will be available if we add the class to the project.
Let's add a standard class tab with the name ResizingTextComponent.
This component uses the StringUtils library so add it to the library list.
Click on the ResizingTextComponent tab in the IDE.
Copy this code in the tab replacing the existing code:
#DesignerProperty: Key: TextColor, DisplayName: Name Color, FieldType: Color, DefaultValue: 0xFF000000, Description: Text Colour
#DesignerProperty: Key: BackColor, DisplayName: Background Color, FieldType: Color, DefaultValue: 0xFFFFFFFF, Description: Background Color

Sub Class_Globals
	Private mEventName As String 'ignore
	Private mCallBack As Object 'ignore
	Public mBase As B4XView
	Private xui As XUI 'ignore
	Public Tag As Object
	Private tclr As Int
	Private bclr As Int
	Private mcorn As Int
	Private txt As Object
	Private tfnt As B4XFont
	Private lpad As Int
	Private rpad As Int
	Private tpad As Int
	Private bpad As Int
	Private mlbl As B4XView
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String)
	mEventName = EventName
	mCallBack = Callback
End Sub

'Base type must be Object
Public Sub DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, lbl As Label, Props As Map)
	mBase = Base
	Tag = mBase.Tag
	mBase.Tag = Me
	mBase.Color = Colors.Transparent
	tclr = xui.PaintOrColorToColor(Props.Get("TextColor"))
	bclr = xui.PaintOrColorToColor(Props.Get("BackColor"))
	#if b4a
	tfnt = xui.CreateFont(lbl.Typeface,lbl.textsize)
	tfnt = lbl.Font
	#End If
	txt  = ""
	lpad = 10dip
	rpad = 10dip
	tpad = 10dip
	bpad = 10dip
	mcorn = 0
	Private llbl As Label
	#if b4i
	llbl.Multiline = True
	#end if	
	mlbl = llbl
End Sub

Private Sub Base_Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double)
End Sub

public Sub setText(t As Object)
	txt = t
End Sub

public Sub setTextColor(clr As Int)
	tclr = clr
End Sub

public Sub SetBackColor(clr As Int)
	bclr = clr
End Sub

public Sub SetTextFont(fnt As B4XFont)
	tfnt = fnt
End Sub

public Sub SetPadding(l As Int, t As Int, r As Int, b As Int)
	lpad = l
	tpad = t
	rpad = r
	bpad = b
End Sub

public Sub SetCorners(c As Int)
	mcorn = c
End Sub

public Sub GetHeight As Int
	Return GetPerfectHeight
End Sub

private Sub draw
	If (mBase.IsInitialized And mlbl.IsInitialized) Then
		mlbl.Font = tfnt
		mlbl.TextColor = tclr
		mlbl.Color = bclr
	End If
End Sub

#Region multiline DrawText
public Sub GetPerfectHeight As Int
	If mlbl.IsInitialized Then
		Private h As Int = (MeasureMultiTextHeight(mlbl, mBase.Width-(lpad+rpad), txt) + tpad + bpad)
'		Log("perfect height = "&h)
		Return h
	End If
'	Log("imperfect height = "&mBase.Height)
	Return mBase.Height
End Sub

Public Sub MeasureMultiTextHeight(lbl As Label, width As Int, text As Object) As Int
	#if b4a
	Private su As StringUtils
	Return su.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(lbl, text)
	#else if b4i
	Dim plbl As Label
	plbl.Width = width
	plbl.Multiline = True
	Return plbl.Height
	#End If
End Sub
#End Region
Now you can return to the designer window and continue with the RTCSSingle file.
The CustomView is now available:
Add the component and anchor it horizontally. You can set the height at 250dip.
Click in the IDE on the Main tab, go to the designer and generate the member save the file and go back to the Main window.
Now let's write some more code.